After everything I’ve done, people are finally starting to value the work I’ve accomplished. So much to the point that I’ve just stepped the game up to a whole new league.
I cannot discuss this in any further detail other than… I wouldn’t be here without the support of all of you. Those of you who are closest to me, those of you who have wiped my tears, laughed til our jaws swelled, you know who you are. I love you. Even if you didn’t do it physically, perhaps you shared a picture with me specifically on facebook because you knew I was having a bad day, or those of you who tag kitty pics, you all light my life.
Now, all of your who’ve supported me, who are here for me, prepare to bask in the light I’m about to beam! I can’t wait to bring you all with me!
And for the haters…. I hear misery likes company… Have fun loathing in the shadows.
Photo compliments of Nikki Harrison
(HOW MUCH DO YOU LOVE HER WORK!!! Such an amazing photographer)